
The interests of young people, including education, care and protection and family support.

Meeting Details

Committee Meetings

Friday 3 September 2021 at 10am

Friday 10 December 2021 at 10am

Friday 25 February 2022 at 10am



Friday 3 September 2021 Committee Meeting at 10am





Adoption procedures

An overview of Adoption arrangements, including planned work on the directorate’s policies and procedures in relation to adoption.

Presentation – extending scope to service issues during pandemic.

Martin Kelly and Mel Hutchinson

Young Carers

Especially those who support adults with mental health issues. The practical and emotional support made available to young people to ensure they enjoy and achieve, just like their peers. How NYCC works in partnership with schools, and GPs to identify young carers, raise much-needed awareness of their situation, and offer the support that they need, when they need it.

Consideration of Briefing Paper



Chair of NYSCP Executive and Independent Scrutineer’s Annual Report

Review Published Reports

Prof Maggie Atkinson

Medical Education Service

How NYCC supports children in and out of education who have medical condition. Review/Update of implementation

Review Progress and Service Update

Jane le Sage and Carol-ann Howe

Education is our Greatest Liberator

Annual Attainment report

Review Publshed Report

Amanda Newbold

Friday 10 December  Committee Meeting at 10am

School Place Planning – Shaping future education provision

Update on the overall picture, both current and forecast, in terms of pupil numbers in North Yorkshire schools and report on the issues and challenges for school place planning in North Yorkshire. (revisiting consideration by the committee in December 2017


Andrew Dixon

Early Years Sector

Understanding of the range of private providers supporting vulnerable children and families



Childrens Mental Helath

how the CAMHS service is coping with increase in demand, the effectiveness of surge planning, and any lessons learned



Friday 10 December 2021 Committee meeting at 10am


Mid Cycle Briefing Items at 10am


Probable Item

Friday 23 July 2021

Financial Pressures

Elective Home Education

OFSTED inspection update

Youth Accommodation Pathway  - current situation

Friday 15 October 2021

Healthy Child Programme  - progress and situation report

Friday 28 January 2022


Friday 14 April 2022